Saturday, September 13, 2008

Introducing Grady James Lehman

Grady James Lehman
Born September 10, 2008 at 4:54pm
8lbs 12.4 ounces 21.3 inches long
Momma did awesome during delivery and she is recovering now at home with the baby and the daddy. she is sore but doing well. so far Grady's favorite things are: sleeping, eating, pooping, peeing when is diaper is removed, and being uncontrollably cute. Grady is breastfeeding about every 2 hours now which means momma only gets about an hour of sleep at a time but she is amazing and has not complained at all. She loves her baby boy and will do anything for him! we are all very blessed and thankful for a healthy baby, safe delivery with no complications, and loving family for support.
in case you can't read his little shirt it says "I'm kind of a big deal"

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