Tuesday, March 10, 2009

six months

Today Grady is six months old!  Momma and Dadda are so proud of the little man and we love him more and more everyday.  Grady has his check up with the doctor in a couple of days so we will be able to see how big he is and how much he weighs officially.  He is doing new things all the time.  His oldest trick is growing, he seems to still be bigger everyday when i get home from work than he was when i left in the morning.  He will roll over every now and then but he doesn't really like to be put on his belly to play or practice rolling around.  just as well if you ask me, he will be mobile and presenting all new types of challenges for momma and dadda soon enough. when we lie him on his back he likes to push himself forward with his legs and if we let him go he'd probably end up with a friction burn on the back of his head.  i still think he will skip over crawling or only use it for a short time until he can walk.  he really likes to spend time standing up either with one of us holding him up or in his jumparoo.  he does sleep very well for us at night by now and has been for quite some time.
i don't know if this next story is going to be impressive to anyone else or not but i was impressed by this story and its my blog so i am going to write about it.
a couple of days ago i was putting batteries into a new flashlight i had bought and Grady was watching me.  once the batteries were in, i clicked the button to make sure the light came on and as soon as i did; Grady looked up at the ceiling and spotted the little dot of light.  i was so impressed and made the light go in circles and lines and shapes and he watched and watched and then as soon as i turned off the light he looked right back down at the flashlight.  i know it may have been luck that he saw it on the ceiling at first but when i turned it off and he looked right back at the flashlight i could tell the little man knew exactly where that dot of light was coming from.  we play with the flashlight from time to time still and click the light goes on and he looks right at the ceiling until he finds it and as soon as i click it off he looks right back down at the flashlight every time.  like i said i don't know if this is normal for a six month old baby but i sure didn't expect that from him.  i may be biased, but i think it means he has inherited my superior intellect. (there's the funny part)  actually, i assume he will be more smarter than i ever was or ever will become. 
in closing i say happy six months to Grady.  Thank God for the single greatest blessing of our lives.  Thank you to all of the family who has shown so much love to Grady. 
P.S.  a VERY VERY special one happy 1 month to baby Benjamin Joseph!  we love you soooooooo much too! 


Laura said...

Happy six month birthday Grady! We sure would like to meet you. Love Auntie Laura and Uncle Darrin. We love you...And your Mom and Dad!!!

Anonymous said...
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Laura said...

Speaking of losing it....GET YOUR BUTTS OUT HERE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are right, there are so many of us who love you, Melissa and Grady. Oh, yeah...dammit Buddy and Kosmo No! too.