Sunday, October 19, 2008

Do they think we are ignorant?

while i am enjoying gas for $2.65 a gallon it also makes me very angry. i mean gas was $4.00 a gallon a month ago and suddenly it is down to $2.65? is that a strange coincidence or could it possibly be due to the upcoming election? the dirty bastards are all in bed together.

dirty worthless politicians to big oil company guys
"hey guys, we have let you guys bleed America for every penny they have while you guys rake in record setting billion dollar profits; can you give us a break for a couple of months so we don't have to answer questions about gas prices during our campaigns?"

big oil company to dirty worthless politicians
"OK, but you know once the election is over we are going to have to raise the price higher than ever to make up for it."

dwp to boc
"that's okay. we still get our cut of the action right?

boc to dwp
"as long as we get every penny from the middle class then there should be plenty to go around!"

dirty worthless politicians and big oil companies together
"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

who in America doesn't think that as soon as this election is over the gas prices are going to start creeping back up again. first we'll hear from "opec" (gee haven't heard from them lately have we?) then there will be some possible hurricane or under water earthquake or some other near disaster that could "disrupt production" and before you know it gas will be right back at $4.00 again. then politicians will say they are doing everything they can and we need alternative energy and blah blah blah. worthless bastards. the worst thing about the whole situation? there is nothing we can do about it. we are like the lady tied to the train tracks in the old black and white movie. we can see the train coming down the tracks but we are all tied up and can't get away. can anyone do something to help us all? is there a lone ranger to save us from the train? i doubt it.

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