Thursday, June 11, 2009

9 months

Grady had his 9 months doctor appointment today. He is 20lbs 13 ounces and just under 31 inches. he was given a clean bill of health but the doctor did say he was a little slug since he doesn't crawl or pull himself up to a standing position. Guess we're gonna have to start so me physical training. ha ha. i actually am enjoying the last weeks of him not being mobile. i know once he gets moving he'll never stop! the doctor also pricked his little foot to draw blood to test for anemia and Grady didn't even notice. As a matter of fact he actually had to poke him twice since the 1st one didn't bleed enough and Grady didn't even look at him funny. i expected him to cry for that part. Next check up is at one year and they warned that he gets to have a lot of shots for his birthday!

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